Scientia Terrae

Scientia Terrae

Scientia Terrae

Scientia Terrae, a not-for-profit-organization, was founded in October 2001 as a research, service and education institute for the benefit of the horticulture industry and food sector.

Scientia Terrae has positioned itself at the interface between the academic world and the agriculture industry to translate fundamental science into practical solutions and real-world applications.

Scientia Terrae has developed the DNA Multiscan to detect plant diseases in a fast and affordable way, invented a vaccin against Pepino Mosaic virus in tomato, developed the use of bacteria and mycelium for improved uptake of nutrients by plants.

The institute collaborates with the University of Leuven (B), Thomas Moore University College (B), University of Wageningen (NL), Institute of Plant Protection-National Research Institute (PL), Nederlands Instituut Voor Ecologie (NL), Universite catholique de Louvain (B), University of Ghent (B), University of Copenhagen (DK), UFZ Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (D) and University of Trento (I).

Registrations will open January 2025

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