

Participants at Knowledge for Growth can make use of an extensive online partnering system, with ad-hoc chat rooms, personalised agendas and pre-scheduled meetings.

On-site meetings > Thursday 8 May 2025

Plan ahead to get the partnering meetings you want

Plan ahead to get the partnering meetings you want

Partnering is a process that begins in advance of the event.
We'll invite you by e-mail (via to log-in one month before the event, so be sure to add us to your safe sender list or check your spam folder if you've registered for the event but haven't received an e-mail by 8 April 2025.  

Have a look below at how the virtual platform will work for you! 




  1. Log in to the partnering system 
  2. The more you include in your profile, the easier it is for others to find you and decide if they want to meet. 
  3. Start your Agenda. Set your availability to indicate when you can take one-to-one meetings.
  4. Agree your meetings. Once full partnering is launched 16 April 2024, use Search to browse profiles and send meeting requests. Respond to incoming requests.
  5. Sit back and relax. Agreed meetings will be scheduled based on everyone’s availability. On-site meetings will take place on Thursday 8 May. 

Keep up to date on site. Use the venue wifi to login from the mobile app, find your next meeting and respond to new messages. Going mobile saves paper and makes sure you don’t miss any last minute changes.

Alternate Text

Key Dates


Partnering login available - Start scheduling meetings!


Online partnering starts


Last day of online partnering


On-site partnering

Registrations will open January 2025

KNOWLEDGE FOR GROWTH Institutional Partners

FLANDERS.BIO Strategic Partners